Column filters

ActivityHD offers an impressive array of built-in filters and the ability to create and customize your own data filters. Sometimes, however, it's convenient to be able to perform ad hoc filtering. That's where column filters come in. Column filters provide an intuitive way of filtering an HD view without needing to create a traditional persistent filter. And column filters are sticky—if you leave the HD view where column filters are applied, when you return to it—even if you close ActivityHD, they are still applied!

Column filters work in combination with other filter sources. For a record to appear in HD view results, it must match the conditions from all filter sources:

  • All selected filters shown in the Filters field in the HD view header, if applied.
  • The condition in the Lookup field in the HD view header, if specified.
  • All applied column filters.
  • If the View Options feature is enabled, all selection conditions in View Options.

ClosedApply a column filter

You can filter by as many columns as are visible in the HD view, simply apply the procedure below to every column you want to filter on. The records returned are those which match the criteria in all applied column filters.

  1. Navigate to the HD view you want to filter.
  2. Right-click the header of the column to filter on to reveal a shortcut menu.

  3. From the shortcut menu, select Column Filters. A Column Filters dialog opens. The content of the dialog differs with the type of column you are filtering on.

  4. Respond to the prompts as appropriate. Expand the instructions for the type of column you are filtering on.


    The checkbox next to the column name is automatically marked when you start entering filtering criteria for the column.


    1. From the drop-down list, select the comparison operator to apply. For date filters, the default operator is "between". Valid options are:
      • =
      • <>
      • >
      • >=
      • <
      • <=
      • between
      • not between
    2. In the date field(s), enter the date(s) to perform the comparison against.


    1. From the drop-down list, select the comparison operator to apply. For amount filters, the default operator is "between". Valid options are:
      • =
      • <>
      • >
      • >=
      • <
      • <=
      • between
      • not between
    2. In the amount field(s), enter the amount(s) to perform the comparison against.


    1. From the drop-down list, select the comparison operator to apply. For string filters, the default operator is "like". Valid options are:
      • like
      • not like
      • =
      • <>
      • >
      • >=
      • <
      • <=
      • between
      • not between
    2. In the text field(s), enter the value(s) to perform the comparison against.

    ClosedSelect list

    1. Mark the checkbox for each value to include in the comparison.
    2. Select the option to determine how the values are compared. Valid options are:
      • In - Lists records with values that match one of the values selected.
      • Not In - Lists records that do not match any of the values selected.

    ClosedFolder items

    1. From the drop-down list, select the comparison operator to apply. For folder items filters, the default operator is "=". Valid options are:
      • like
      • not like
      • =
      • <>
      • >
      • >=
      • <
      • <=
      • between
      • not between
    2. In the lookup field(s), enter the value to perform the comparison against or press F3 to open the Find dialog and select the value.
    3. If you want to fine tune the criteria for selecting matches, click More and provide criteria in the Selection Conditions dialog.
  5. Click OK to apply the column filter.

Notice that when column filters are applied, the Filters field in the HD view header is surrounded by an orange rectangle and includes the "Column Filters" indicator.

ClosedUnapply column filters

Unapplying column filters removes their effect on the data view while leaving the defined filter available to be reapplied. Clearing a filter, on the other hand, erases all column filter settings.

To unapply column filters:

  1. Navigate to the HD view with the applied column filters you want to unapply.

  2. Click at the end of the Filters field. Notice that the "Column Filters" indicator in the Filters field is dimmed as are the funnels in the column headings of the columns which were filtered on. This indicates that the filters are not currently in effect, but are available to be reapplied.

ClosedReapply unapplied column filters

To reapply unapplied column filters:

  1. Navigate to the HD view with the unapplied column filters you want to reapply.

  2. Click at the end of the Filters field. The Column Filters dialog opens, prompting you to confirm or modify your filtering criteria.

  3. If you need to make changes to the criteria, do so. To remove a column filter entirely, clear the checkbox next to its column name.
  4. When you finish, click OK to reapply the filter.

ClosedClear column filters

To clear column filters (either applied or unapplied column filters):

  1. Navigate to the HD view with the column filters you want to clear.

  2. Right-click anywhere in the column header to reveal a shortcut menu.

  3. From the shortcut menu, select Clear Column Filters. Notice that the "Column Filters" indicator is removed from the Filters field and the funnels disappear from the column headings. (Other filters which may have been applied in conjunction with the column filters remain applied.)


Comparison operators

A comparison operator is a symbol or phrase that indicates how to compare data values. ActivityHD uses comparison operators to construct filter conditions on some fields.

The following table shows the comparison operators available in ActivityHD. The set of operators available in a particular context depends on the data type of the field you are performing comparisons on.

Operator Action
like Looks for values that match a specified pattern. Wildcards such as * and ? can be used to designate variable parts of the pattern.
not like Looks for values that do not match a specified pattern. Wildcards such as * and ? can be used to designate variable parts of the pattern.
= Looks for values that are equal to the value specified.
<> Looks for values that are not equal to the value specified.
> Looks for values that are greater than the value specified.
>= Looks for values that are greater than or equal to the value specified.
< Looks for values that are less than the value specified.
<= Looks for values that are less than or equal to the value specified.
between Looks for values that fall between the value specified and another value.
not between Looks for values that do not fall between the value specified and another value.